Oh, So THAT’s What You’ve Been Up To…

So I finally got “The Dome” constructed  (a few photos in this post) – the area that will house the Nepenthes, and some other plants — and so far so good. What I didn’t mention to you was that from the time I moved greenhouses, I just kept all the Nepenthes in a large cement mixing bin and kinda just let them hang out in some random corner of the greenhouse. They were doing their own thing this whole time though and when I moved them to “The Dome” (for lack of a better name at the moment), I had a few pleasant pitcher surprises. See, they were pretty crowded and there was so much stuff just going on in the tub that I didn’t really care to pay attention. Kinda cool cuz when it came time to move em, I was pleasantly surprised with some of my findings. Here’s a few photos of what they’ve been up without me really knowing. Interesting stuff! As the collection grows, I’ll update you with more photos. Enjoy!

Nepenthes spectabilisNepenthes spectabilis

Nepenthes spectabilisNepenthes spectabilis

Nepenthes densiflora x truncataNepenthes densiflora x truncata

Nepenthes hybridSome random Nepenthes hybrid – no idea what it is.

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