
Sarracenia seed 2012

Autumn is a beautiful time of reflection and of hope. As the suns path begins to dip on the horizon, shadows lengthen, and a familiar chill begins to fill the air. Plants that pitcher in the fall, such as Sarracenia leucophylla and their hybrids, will put up one last hurrah flooding the garden in a grand chorus. Many others begin to go dormant to get their well deserved rest. It has been a long year indeed. It has been a long year filled with many memories and lessons. I for one look forward to the loud silence that winter’s rest will bring to the plants. That is when I will be doing much of the cleaning and dividing. As things begin to wind down, seed pods begin to ripen offering a steadfast reminder of hope for the subsequent seasons. The great culmination of ideas, dreams, riddles, and answers become encapsulated within these little gray-brown chambers. In the coming weeks, I’ll be harvesting more pods. I am already dreaming of unlocking the living resplendent ardor that lies within the shells of these tiny and silent enigmas.


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