24 Months: S. courtii AF x “Green Monster”

Separating Sarracenia courtii x "Green Monster"Sarracenia courtii AF x “Green Monster” – September 2010

S. courtii x “Green Monster” is a cross I did back in 2009 – a personal favorite of mine. (Awww heck, aren’t all things that are anthocyanin free? Hah!) There were many nice plants that came out of this batch. I may re-make it if the opportunity presents itself again.

I’m always amazed to see how far the plants have come and how big they’ve grown. Looking back always provides a great perspective and reminder that from little and seemingly insignificant things can come something amazing.

Sarracenia courtii AF x "Green Monster"Sarracenia courtii AF x “Green Monster” – September 2012

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