
Happy Friday!

At the beginning of this month I moved a couple trays of plants over to the temporary greenhouse. After a couple of weeks, I began to see some adjustments that the plants were already making. (These trays were in the temporary venue prior to the recent grand move I wrote about in the last post.)

Sarracenia seedlings

Yeah, it’s a hot jumbled mess in that photo above! If you notice, there’s that one plant with a whitish lid — it’s pretty nice to see that color now. It was completely solid green at the old spot. If you look closely, there’s also hints of new stronger growth rising up out of that fray and it’s only been a couple of weeks. NICE. I’m going to have a fun time sorting out this mess in the late fall/winter.

New Growth

The plants in the photo above have also been in that holding location for a couple of weeks. The old growth is stretched and lanky – flopping over. But wait… there’s new growth coming out of those growpoints that are actually looking — somewhat decent! (Now, If only I could borrow Uncle Rico’s time machine to see how these babies will look like in the future…) GOSH! That’s FLIPPIN’ SWEET!

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