Show Sarrs

Last weekend I had the opportunity to check out the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show.  Man, I was really pleased to see some Sarracenia on display! (Thanks to California Carnivores!)   It was pretty neat to see all these people oooh-ing and ahhh-ing over them! Yes, they are fascinating plants indeed (that’s why I’m addicted.) I really hope to see more carnivores involved in future displays.

Now most Sarracenia at this point in the year would be dormant, or just emerging from dormancy (as are my plants…)  The plants below got a jump on the season by starting off early in a greenhouse.  Anyway, for those of you interested – I’ll be posting the rest of the SF Flower and Garden Show 2012 photos a little later. For now, here’s a look at the a Sarrs from the show!

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