SF Flower and Garden Show 2012

So, as I mentioned in my (very recent) last post – here’s a few shots from the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show, 2012. I was on a tight schedule that day, so didn’t get to take as many photos as I would of liked. I still managed to snap a couple pics to share with y’all!  I admit, I was going a bit ADD with so much botanical madness to see…  To view in full screen mode, clicketh thou here, or you may use the “full screen” button, lower right hand corner of the slideshow after you press play.  It was an awesome day indeed…

I also wanted to thank my awesome and very patient wife, Dahlia, for coming along to partake of the botanical insanity there.  She lost me on plenty of occasions as she was busy doing a live instagram broadcast of all the stuff there while I would kinda just wander off being distracted by all of the plants… 

Anyway – without further delay, here are the photos… Enjoy!

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