Some S. ‘Adrian Slack’ Hybrid Youngsters

Ah, here’s some more things to look forward to in 2012! Here’s a few young pitchers that I left after the great trimdown. These really do not look like much right now as these were some of the younger non-crispy pitchers I left for some quick snapshots.  I’m posting these as more of an online documentary for myself; something to compare the future photos to when that time comes.


Sarracenia moorei “Orange Glow” x ‘Adrian Slack’

This seedling from this particular cross is exhibiting some yellowish traits – I *hope* that it carries through maturity, and I also hope that the red lip stays. Some of the other siblings from this batch don’t have this color palate, at least, maybe not yet? Who knows.  At this age, it’s hard to say if those traits will carry through as young plants can still morph on to something different looking.


S. (leucophylla x oreophila), Karen Oudean Clone x ‘Adrian Slack’

The photo doesn’t look like much right now cuz it’s one of those recent weird off season pitchers that came up outta nowhere… but this cross has produced some very promising and elegant pitchers.  Check out the 9th picture down here, or check this post here.


S. oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

So I didn’t get what I wanted out of this cross.  (I’m hoping, at least, not yet…) Some had a little bit of color, but it wasn’t very colorful overall.  Maybe only a small handful of this cross last year showed some color,  but most were on the bland side.  Some had some good potential in terms of pitcher shape though.  I ran this cross by fellow Sarraceniaphile, Brooks Garcia, and he informed me that at times when crossing with S. oreophila, it can mute the colors of the cross — however the subsequent cross with say, a leucophylla, or leucophylla hybrid can produce some very nicely colored plants.  Jerry Addington also confirmed this as well – that when using some strains of S. oreophila, it can kind of just dampen the colors – especially when S. oreophila is used as a pod parent.  I’ll be optimistic and evaluate this batch for the next couple years hoping that SOMETHING nice comes out of it… Ah, one can always hope, right?

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