Leuco’s New Home

Some more updates from the repottin’ madness!    Oh, it never ends, but I am enjoying it! One tray at a time!

I received a few select clones of S. leucophylla a while back from Dr. Travis H. Wyman — and they were getting a bit cramped in their current situation – so I decided that it was time to move them to a larger crib!

I am prepared the mini bog, filling it with some fresh media for the leuco’s!  I am using a sand/peat mixture.

Here’s one container of the plants – gettin’ kind of cramped in there as you can see! That’s a large pot of about 2 or 3 plants.

Here’s a larger container of the same S. leucophylla — cramped and in need of a good cleaning.  I just kind of let the containers run amok last year…

Here’s one plant.  There I go with the nitrile gloves again! (Use protection folks… it’s worth it…)  And see that mossy lookin’ crap?  I have no idea what it is – but one thing I know — it’s annoying as hell.  My homie Mike Wang calls it “bitch weed”, cuz it really is a bitch to remove!  I let it kind of get overgrown last year but this year I am doing my best to keep it clean.

Mini bogs now planted. True, it does not look like much now, but I am giving them room to grow — and believe me, they WILL grow!  I am looking forward to these bins filling up with some leucophylla awesomeness this coming year!

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