Hopeful Abandoned Hope

Abandoned HopeSarracenia ‘Abandoned Hope’ – With a hopeful flower bud.

Busy day today in the greenhouse. I’m still doing a lot of repotting. HELLA repotting.  Couldn’t help but take a quick snapshot of S. ‘Abandoned Hope’ as I was getting ready to repot it. Just pulled it out of the pot and started to take some of the old media off… I fear that my repotting is starting to run a little behind as a lot of the plants are throwin’ up buds already.  I am tryin’ to get to them all before they really start to explode into growth.

I have some high hopes for that bud and the hybrids that could possibly come from it! I’m quite hopeful for some interesting stuff, that’s for sure.

By the way — yes, I am wearing some disposable nitrile gloves.  It is very true that I do like to get duh-duh-duh-DIRTY – but it is also very important to have good hygiene while working with potting media. It’s no fun to get stuff like this.   OK, so I don’t always wear gloves but am always sure to wash hands after working. I’m also careful to address any cuts/wounds that happen while working with plants/media.

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