Surprise: S. (leucophylla x oreophila) Karen Oudean Clone x purpurea ssp. venosa

As I go thorough each bench and tray, it’s kind of cool finding things that I forgot about. It’s as if surprises await me as I go through and do my trimming duties.  The other day I was trimming through trays and found a cross I did a few years ago.  This is S. (leucophylla x oreophila), Karen Oudean Clone x purpurea ssp. venosa.

Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) Karen Oudean Clone x purpurea ssp. venosa

It’s been a while since I’ve seen some of these seedlings, but was pleasantly surprised to see how some were turning out.  Most of the pitchers were already going crisp but the horizontal line in the throat was a consistent feature in the other pitchers of this plant. A nice surprise to find, and I am really looking forward to seeing how this plant will be at full maturity. The rhizome is looking a bit swollen, so I hope that I can get some flowers when it comes time…

Oh boy, can’t wait to see what other surprises await me in the trimming fray!

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