
Fungus happens… this is why good Sarracenia hygiene is a must. Proper light, air circulation, water… it’s important. However, even when these things are provided, sometimes fungus still happens.  (And yeah, sometimes it happens for no apparent reason.)  I can understand if the plant was overcrowded and shaded in, surrounded by all this dead foliage, and growing in sub-par conditions… but you know, once in a while it happens to a plant that appeared to be so strong one year, and then the next year — crash n’ burn.  Be sure to inspect your plants, and if you do catch it early enough, ***you can rescue it like this.***

In past conversations with my fellow Sarracenia home-boyee Mike Wang, he mentioned that this is also why good water quality is important.  If the water is high in mineral/salt content, it can burn the roots.  It’s good to check your PPM  (Parts Per Million) now and then. If the roots burn, this gives Botrytis a foothold to do  some gnarly gross damage.  That said though, I’ve had plants growing years with water that’s relatively higher in PPM that what what most others feel comfortable growing in… do whatever works for you is all I can say…

Over the course of last year with all the transition and moving,I wasn’t able to get a chance to inspect everything as much as I wanted to — and sad to say, there were a few casualties. (And this is why it’s a good thing to have a back up system of your plants, extra copies in the collection or even with other growers for insurance purposes…) Here are  a couple of photos of some damage that the nasty-ass Botrytis  fungus can cause. Yuck.  Don’t let this happen to you…


Once a beautiful Sarracenia — reduced to nasty-ness after a Botrytis attack. Gross.

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