A New Journey

It has been such a whirlwind of activity and emotion.  Such has been life recently.  So surreal…

Moving.  It’s not always an easy thing.  I’m so thankful to have awesome friends who lend their hands, their backs, and their vehicles.  There’s still a few things to move out of the yard, but I should be finishing that up this week.  (I’m still taking photos and documenting this move – more photos to follow in a later post…)

As of yesterday, all the Sarracenias and carnivores have been moved.  I took this photo earlier today and just looking at it is so surreal indeed.

I’m thankful for the memories and the plants that were housed here.  I can see that the ideas that were born in this small greenhouse and my little yard quickly outgrew the place. I’m moving forward, ready to embrace the possibilities and the new journey that lie behind this door…

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