
We were doing some clean up of old old files in the family archives.  It’s always nice to go back and just take those walks down memory lane now and then. It puts things in perspective. One of the things my little sister found during clean up was a collection of my old sketches. These were all from the early 1990’s. I was probably around 11 or 12 years old at the time I drew the following sketch — and at this time, I didn’t have any Sarracenia, but was already so fascinated by these plants. I don’t remember exactly where I got the inspiration from this, but it may of been from a book from my school or local library.  (If anyone recognizes this diagram, please let me know!) I would check out plant books even at this young age and just fill my mind with plant goodness.

Sarracenia Cross Section
Early 1990’s: Sarracenia flava cross section – a sketch be me.
I was still in grade school. This was penned during my pre-voice-cracking days.

The above drawing shows the anatomy of the different zones of a pitcher. Pretty rad, eh?  *I drew this before I grew any Sarracenia.*  I’ve murdered plenty of flytraps, but nobody around had any Sarracenia to sell or distribute.  Who would of thought that from this, I would of grown and ended up with something like this blog?  It’s pretty crazy just looking back at the whole thing – and looking forward to what’s to come in this plant journey is pretty exciting as well!

Greenhouse: October
October 2011: Greenhouse, after major trimming and thinning plants out.

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