Hold Your Ground

Have you ever held your ground? Like seriously, really take a good long moment and just savored it?  You ever just let your fingers run through it, and let the rich aroma penetrate your being? Have you really stopped and appreciated it’s life giving warmth?  There’s so many “things” that we don’t give another thought — but should really be  very thankful for.


You may be sayin’, “Oh dude, why so emo’ Rob?” LOL! 🙂   Just wanted to let you know that there are going to be quite a few changes on my side of the Sarracenia-universe.  My apologies ahead of time if my posting  frequencies seem to grow father apart.  I’m still here though, just a lot of transitions going on.  These times are really allowing me an opportunity to take a step back and just be thankful for all that I have.  Oh man, these times and circumstances are for sure teaching me what to hold on to, and things I can let go of. (Hey, you notice – the “Shop” tab? Yeah, I’m going to start to “leggo” and sell off extra plants, so check back often! 😉 )

The photo above is one I took a couple months ago as I was mixing my peat/sand mixture.  I took a moment and just held my ground. There’s something magical to think that from the soil, things will root and  things will grow.  From the earth we came, and one day – we will return.  There’s a bond that’s formed when working with the earth one way or another. I can’t really describe it…. so be sure to take a moment, be thankful, and hug  your ground today.

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