Time to Slice

I’ve been doing some re-organizing, and a little bit of clean up lately.  A lot of the pitchers from earlier this year have turned crispy, so I’m choppin’ em off.  ESPECIALLY the plants that I moved outside from the greenhouse. (UGH, what a mess.)  Anyway, removing dead foliage helps with your basic plant hygiene.  Removing those dead pitchers allows for better light and air circulation, which in turn, leads to healthier plants.  When plants get crowded and you got all that dead tissue shizznits going on all up-in-that mofo, well – uh — it can open up the door to some Sarracenia funk.  It *can* get nasty!  A little bit each day I’m doing some clean up.  And, come Winter, I’ll probably be slicing everything back down to the rhizome! Oh, good times indeed!

Dead pitchers, beware.

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