Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) x ‘Adrian Slack’

I crossed one of my select Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) clones with S. ‘Adrian Slack’ back in 2009.   It’s recently been putting up some juvenile pitchers that are tell-tale signs of what the plant will look like at maturity. At least, I hope. Below are photos of two clones that I found interesting.

Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) x 'Adrian Slack'This first one doesn’t have much color showing; that I know. At least not just yet.  I am loving the floppy pitcher hood and wide sweeping mouth configuration here.  The hood right now has very subtle coloration of lighter green splotches – I hope with age and a bit of stronger light it will bring out this characteristic.  It’s still a seedling so it’s currently in a greenhouse with very bright filtered light.


The second seedling that caught my attention is below.  The pitchers were just opening up and you can see that the white spots are already forming.  I’ll be watching this plant in hopes that the white spots spread to create a more vivid white top and mouth.  The S. ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ that I have does something similar – the coppery tones will eventually turn lighter then be flushed out by white.  Let’s see if that same thing happens with this seedling.

Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) x 'Adrian Slack'

Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) x 'Adrian Slack'

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