Project Tarnok: Verdict (Part 2)

This year, I tried to pollinate Sarracenia leucophylla ‘Tarnok’. Be sure to read about it in the prior post…   Remember, it’s a plant that many people say is sterile and will not produce any seed.   Soooooo what happaned?! Let’s tear into the pod and find out!




Oh Crapola!  This setback will mos’ def NOT stop me from trying year after year. I have read of others that have had successful crosses with S. leucophylla ‘Tarnok’, so I will continue to try.  And try. And try again.

And you know what else? It’s the story of my plants this year.  I did roughly 100+ crosses this year  – and MANY have failed me.  There were maybe only 30 or less flowers that set seed.  Last year I had quite a bit (120 or so) successful crosses… and this year was my WORST. EVER.

So what happened? There could of been several things that contributed to such a large amount of seed pods failing.  The thing I *suspect* is stress.  Early in January we had some warm weather for a couple of weeks that woke many of the plants up. Many began to flower…  and by my standards, this was a very short dormancy period.  Then in February we had all that freak hail action going on. Remember this freak hail storm?

So, that’s one of the big things that I think could of contributed to the failing of MANY pods.  As I go through inspecting all the plants and many failed pods, the mantra is this:  “There’s always next year…”

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