Autumn 2011

Hello Autumn. My favorite season indeed.   I love how the sun is starting to get lower on the horizon casting lengthening shadows day by day.  It’s kinda summery-ish here in my area – at least maybe for the rest of this week or something.  I do notice the mornings are getting that increasingly crisp cool edge on them.  I start to immerse myself in pumpkin spice lattes, fireplaces on the cooler nights, and… of course — MORE GARDEN WORK!!!  Yep, I’m doing a lot of clean up still removing old pitchers and foliage about the garden.  There’s so much to do – and I enjoy doing it!

Yeah, I know its been a few days since I’ve posted … I’ve really been busy cleaning up the mess back here…  I’ve also been busy with a few other projects – but it’s always good to get away from the computer/desk and be out in the garden.   Back to the garden to get grounded.  I actually prefer it out there.

Here’s a few shots of how autumn 2011 is starting off.  I’m just randomly snapping about in the garden – not all photos are of Sarracenia, and not all are carnivorous plants…  however, all for me are enjoyable to grow!

Fall-1A few Sarracenia flava clones.

Fall-2Stick around a bit! Drosera binata spp. dichitoma.


Fall-4Tub full of Sarracenia — man this needs some cleaning up.

Fall-5Drosophyllum lusitanicum. 

Fall-6A few Sarracenia courtii AF x ‘Green Monster’ seedlings.

Fall-7It’s like a jungle sometimes…

Fall-8The Spiral Aloe: Aloe polyphylla.

Fall-9Sarracenia seedlings.

Fall-10Sarracenia nastiness going on.  See all those dead pitchers? F*ckin’ nasty.



Fall-13Greenhouse.   Needs a shave/haircut/Katana blade treatment… nasty.

Fall-14Sarracenia. I really should do something about those weeds…

Fall-15Sarracenia – going crispy.

Fall-16Sarracenia flava… going crispy.


Fall-18A red Sarracenia moorei – starting to burn out and go dormant.

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