BAPP III – Far Out Flora Gardens

This weekend, I had the honor and pleasure to attend a BAPP (Bay Area Plant People) soiree hosted by Meg and Matti of Far Out Flora! It was yet another venerable cornucopia of plant goodness; a wonderful culmination of plant nerds geekin’ out.  I was awestruck to have been able to witness the glory of Far Out Flora Gardens in person.  They truly are one of my garden heroes.  When I first started blogging, I really had no idea about garden blogs.  Their blog was actually the first blog I stumbled across that was quite memorable and significant.  I freekin’ wanna be like them when I grow up!  It inspired me to blog more about these weird carnivorous things I grow, and I’m thankful for them.  From there, I continued my horticultural journey and am so glad to have met many other wonderful gardeners and horticultural fanatics.  So, thank you Meg and Matti for doing what you do.

It was great to kick it with fellow bloggers Dirty Girl Gardening, Plantgasm, (Phyteclub, you were missed!), as well as meet some new garden aficionados! Oh man, plants, beer, more plants, more beer… good times indeed.

Without further adieu, here’s a few photos from BAPP III hosted by Far Out Flora!  (Tip: For full screen, click the expand/full screen box, lower right corner of the slideshow…)  Enjoy!


Sarracenias strapped down!Sarracenias strapped down!

Just a quick note about the Sarracenia I brought to the gathering:  They were all seed grown Sarracenia leucophylla x flava. (Or, also known as Sarracenia moorei, which is a hybrid of those two plants.)  The cross was created in 2008 by fellow carnivorous plant grower, Warren Auyong in Southern California.  He sent some seeds to another fellow carnivore-homie, Crystal Morgan in North Carolina, who in turn, sent seed back to me in Northern California.   I grew those seeds out for 3 years and they are photographed above, strapped down for delivery.  I’ve kept a couple of the seedlings for myself but the rest have now begun their own story with their new homes.  From what I can recall, the seeds were made available on the carnivore boards on Terraforums.  It is a bit hazy but from what I can remember, the recipients of these seeds also agreed to share the plants that came from those seeds.  So there ya go. Well … even if the sharing part wasn’t for this seed set, it’s still good to share!  If you were one of the fortunate ones that went home with one of these and if you had any questions about how to care for your Sarracenia – please feel free to contact me. Comment below or hit me up at sarraceniadude *at*! 🙂


Another thing worth noting:  Speaking of meeting other plant and garden peeps, one thing I have come to realize even *more* now is that — it really REALLY is a freekin’ small world!!!  Here at the gathering of plant nerds, I met the awesome Kristin of Garden Lust. (

When she mentioned she was from Atlanta, I mentioned I also knew someone from Atlanta – Brooks Garcia (a major Sarracenia influence of mine and he’s also a F!!CKIN’ rad landscaper!) It turns out that Kristin knows him too! Yo, it’s pretty fresh running into mutual contacts 2,100+ miles away!!! Yes, pretty amazing indeed. Dude, the power of the plant bringing folks together is truly something phenomenal. WORD.

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