Baby Cyclops

Oh where, oh where has Rob been?!

Howdy y’all! I know it has been a few days since I’ve been on here. I’ve been out of town but am back!  It was nice to get away for a few days, but nice to be back! I have some really cool things to show ya from my trip, but I’ll post that a little later!

So, before I left for my road trip, a baby Cyclops showed up to stay with me! Not the mythical one eyed dude — but rather Sarracenia “Cyclops”.  It was a very nice surprise to have the plant arrive before my trip! (Thank you so much Dean!)  Dean sent me this one along with a few other awesome hybrids.  This plant was created by Dean Cook – be sure to visit his site:  – he has a nice selection of plants for sale! The parentage is (leucophylla x flava rugelli) x courtii and I can kinda see the one eyed monster that could come from this baby plant.  The plant photographed below is a small division, however I’m told that this plant gets pretty big. I’m really lookin’ forward to seeing how this baby S. “Cyclops” grows here!

Sarracenia "Cyclops"
[Sarracenia “Cyclops”]

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