Happy Father’s Day

I would like to wish a very Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and father figures out there.  Thank you for doing what you do, and for being that example.

I am thankful for my Dad and for all his hard work and sacrifice for our family.  Thanks, Dad!

My garden inspiration, however, comes from my Lolo (which is Grandfather in Filipino).  It was his influence and inspiration at such an early age that has led to my fascination and addiction of all things relating to the Kingdom Plantae.

Ever since I was a kid, I remember working out in the yard with him. My earliest memories were always involving being in the garden by his side.

[Lolo and I working in the garden, circa 1985]

Yeah, that’s me in the photo above. Man, was I stylin’! Ha!

My garden is that concrete and living repository where events of my life are recorded.  Each plant carries a story, and is linked to an event or memory.  Many plants I have were passed down to me from friends or family, and it’s always a way for me to reconnect with loved ones and with generations past.

And, even to this very day – Lolo and I still hang out in the garden. Only now, it’s covered in more Sarracenia than ever.

[Lolo and I, 2011]

[Lolo, hangin’ out with the Sarracenia]

What’s crazy amazing is that my two sons love to be in the garden with us too.  Now, keep in mind, that is their Great-Lolo that they hang out with!  Both of my sons love to see things grow. They also love to see the plants catch and eat bugs too!   I am so thankful to be able to witness this span of generations. I cherish every single moment of it.

[My two crazy — and awesome sons!]

… Now it’s time to go plant something with the kids… 😉

Happy Fathers Day!

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