Yo, wasssss*up*!  This moorei’s wasssss*up*, that’s foh sho, homies.
Here’s some moorei radness to kick this week off!

Sarracenia moorei - Milton, FL
[Sarracenia moorei – Milton, FL]

Dude, this is straight up — straight up! A couple of years ago, fellow carnie Dean Cook sent me a small division of an interesting moorei.  (Dean runs Cook’s Carnivorous Plants – be sure to check his site out, good selection, price, and quality!) When it started to pitcher for me a couple years ago, I noticed the pitchers having this pretty fresh trait – the hood on this moorei points up.  Pretty nifty, methinks! This year, now that the division is more mature, it is putting out some nicely colored pitchers full of that upwardly straight up goodness. That’s WASSSUP! 🙂

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