Sarracenia ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’


Sarracenia 'Leah Wilkerson' x 'Adrian Slack'
[Sarracenia ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Spring 2011]

Happy Friday All! It’s been a long week, for sure.  So thankful for the weekend… I’m kickin’ this weekend off with a photo of this baby – S. ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’.

This particular clone came from a cross created by Brooks Garcia, and seed grown by me.  These are the spring pitchers, and as each day passes, the nectar roll and upper pitcher portion of the pitcher seems to get lighter and lighter.  Looking forward to the way it will look in the summer and autumn. I hope that the fall pitchers will display that really strong contrast of upper white pitcher and the red band in the throat as it did last year.  Autumn is the time when the Sarracenia leucophylla influence is most prominent, so I hope for those same characteristics to be prominent then.

Here’s a couple photos of this seedling growing up…

Sarracenia 'Leah Wilkerson' x 'Adrian Slack'
[Sarracenia ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Spring 2010]

Sarracenia 'Leah Wilkerson' x 'Adrian Slack'
[Sarracenia ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Summer 2010]

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