Sarracenia (minor x ‘Judith Hindle’) x ‘Adrian Slack’

As I was checking on the seedlings today, I noticed this one out of the batch.  This is a from a cross I did in 2009, and I started to germinate in 2010 with the parents as Sarracenia (minor x ‘Judith Hindle’) x ‘Adrian Slack’.  It’s starting to throw out little baby pitchers that are somewhat defining now and just found this one worth mentioning. Now, as it matures, it may not even look like anything remotely close to this.  It may just turn into something I’ll compost. Maybe. Who knows. Seedlings will change appearance as they mature,  but I found that this one is putting out some interesting pitchers right now.  It’s a little bit under a year old and I’m hoping it keeps those areoles (the lighter spots) on the tube as it matures. I’m also hoping that the color from the the parent plants will pull through, especially with the S. ‘Judith Hindle’ coloration in the late season. Ah, only time will tell…

Sarracenia (minor x 'Judith Hindle') x 'Adrian Slack'
[Sarracenia (minor x ‘Judith Hindle’) x ‘Adrian Slack’]

Sarracenia (minor x 'Judith Hindle') x 'Adrian Slack'
[Sarracenia (minor x ‘Judith Hindle’) x ‘Adrian Slack’]

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