Seattle, a Prologue

Hello from Seattle again everyone!  I don’t know exactly what it is about this place that I love so much.  Is it the coffee in this city? Perhaps.  It’s a hauntingly beautiful city indeed.   Anyway, for now a few photos to share with y’all.

[The Needle]

Yesterday, I did get a chance to visit a couple great friends and Sarracenia inspirations to me –  Jerry Addington and Karen Oudean.  It’s always great to see them and reconnect.   I am always awestruck and dumbfounded whenever I visit them,  it’s just amazing stuff happening at their nurseries.    (I’ll add a post later on with more photos and perhaps even video.)

Now,  It’s very early in the season and pretty much all of the Sarracenia up here are dormant versus the active growth I have back home.  Heck, today it was snowing.  Snowing! For me this is a big deal – I don’t get snow where I live.  I was watching the white flurry fall from the sky in utter amazement.

[A field of Sarracenia purpurea – Jerry Addington’s Courting Frogs Nursery]

[A few Sarracenia still looking good- Karen Oudean’s Willow Creek Nursery]

I only have a couple days left here in Seattle – and I am savoring every moment of it.   Sleepless in Seattle I am, for I am in love with this city.

A special THANK YOU to Jerry Addington and Karen Oudean for your hospitality, generosity, kindness and inspiration. Thank you so much!

[Washington Sky]

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