Burn Baby Burn!

Fire.  The awesome and fierce element of renewal. The following photographs are taken by and are courtesy of Bob Hanrahan taken earlier last year from his Carnivorous Plantation in Alabama.  Fires do happen naturally in the Sarracenia’s natural habitat (sparked by lightning , for example), and are beneficial for their growth. The burns remove the competing weeds, dead vegetation, and pests allowing the Sarracenias to grow and be merry. Bob does controlled burns at his plantation to simulate this, and no doubt the plants are still very happy!

VERY Important: Kids please DO NOT try this at home!

(Photos by Bob Hanrahan)

Hanrahan Burn
[Sarracenia purpurea ssp. venosa v. burkii f. luteola, toasted!]

However, as you can see below — a few months after the burn, the Sarracenia are doing just fine.

[Bob, a very special “Thank You” for sharing these photos with us, they are simply amazing and give me such a deep appreciation for all you do there. Thank you!]

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