Winter Solstice Eclipse

My current Sarracenia collection will soon be eclipsed by the up and coming seedlings. Here’s a shot of only …. like… 2 flats. Many other flats strewn about here and there. Good times.


Yesterday mornings lunar eclipse was pretty phenomenal. Granted I only saw bits and pieces of it in between the cloud breaks here, but what I saw was pretty cool.   Below is a crappy photo. It was too windy to get a decent shot without the camera on the tripod moving a little.

I was still pretty fortunate to see a portion of it. The last one according to many sources was 372 years ago. Check out The Weather Channel’s site for instance. If you missed this Winter Solstice, not to worry, next one will be 12/21/2094. Work on your garden until then.

[Just getting the end of the lunar eclipse. Clouds, fog , and drizzle rolled in shortly afterward.]

[The bright thing in the upper left third of this shot is the moon. Clouds rolling in…]

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