Some Nice Surprises

Man, it’s been pretty busy – I would imagine this is so for ALL of us in this holiday season.   My cube day job especially has been pretty busy –  resulting in my recent silence here on the blog.  Honestly, I’d rather NOT have these mini hiatuses but would rather share Sarracenia goodness with everyone. All day. Every day.   These past couple of weeks have  most certainly has been quite the flurry of activity.

Anyway, I just wanted to say a very special thank you to fellow blogger James at Lost in the Landscape!  (If you haven’t done so, check his blog!) He had sent me a few things that really added some awesomeness in my not-so awesome past couple of weeks…  (Thanks James, you ROCK!)

[Some seeds that will have some star potential!  It may not look like much now, but I wanted to start documenting their growth.  A couple years later I’ll probably refer back to this post just to show how these plants started.]

[Sarracenia division, unconfirmed ID at this point, but we’re pretty sure that it is a S. ‘Judith Hindle’]

[I’m really excited about this one- Seedlings of S. x melanorhoda, Triffid Park x purpurea ssp. veonsa v. burkii f. luteola. Yes! I will be using these for breeding in the anthocyanin free line. They have that recessive antho free gene in them now!]

[I potted them up a couple of nights ago right when I got home.  It was about 10pm, and dark and cold out, but I still did it! Brrr!]

**Thanks again James!**

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