Freekin' irritating

So, I was at the Home Depot the other day picking up some supplies for stuff I’m working on at mi casa, and ran into some Sarracenias. They have some mass produced tissue cultured Sarracenia (Sarracenia ‘Judith Hindle’) but alas, without the proper growing instructions, all these guys will pretty much be good as dead.  Sure they look just OK now, but soon they will all be wilted, and just abused.  I always get irritated since these centers that are supposedly knowledgeable about plants  are not showing how these amazing plants SHOULD be grown.  They just shove em’ under the effin’ bench and the ones in the back in the dark are moldy and rotten already.  WTF!



And in the next photo, note the Venus Fly Traps in the death canisters. Yes, they’re getting moldy too. That’s just nasty.   Total wrong care of these plants.  TOTALLY WRONG!  And WHAT the heck to they do with plants that are looking like they’re about to die (although growers like me know they can come back to life with the proper care)…  they throw em away.  Look at the lanky withering growth… shoved under benches along with other plants that clearly don’t belong there. GAH!!   And the ones that are salvagable?  I’ve suggested that some could be donated to schools, or perhaps sell at a discount. NOPE. Whatever…It will all be thrown away.

Just sad that these folks can’t see the bigger picture. I know, not much one can do about these situations and effed up corporate America, but I just had to get it out there… I’m just sayin…


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