
Today a co-worker of mine was telling me about some news story she heard about with a UFO sighting in Mongolia… or somfin’ like that… (I guess the story was like… from today, and news clips could be found on places like this…)

But anyway, the whole UFO/alien thing reminded me of one of the plants growin’ out here that I think showed up after UFO’s invaded my grow area or something.  One of the alien dudes were left behind. So I potted it up… Some lime green weird looking Sarracenia-iod-ish type plant from the planet Triffid. Or something…

Actually, it’s just a Sarracenia flava x psittacina. Heh heh. But still, looks pretty durn funny to me – like it just walked out of a space ship or something. 🙂

flavaxpsit1[Sarracenia flava x psittacina – Take me to your leader!]

flavaxpsit2[Sarracenia flava x psittacina]

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