Wide Thing

A few years ago, my friend Karen Oudean gave me a Sarracenia “Doodle Bug” with a seed pod with a few seeds in it. Sarracenia “Doodle Bug” is Sarracenia rubra ssp. alabamensis x psittacina, and sorry… I don’t have a photo of Sarracenia “Doodle Bug” on hand, but you can always use Bob Ziemer’s Carnivorous Plant Photo Finder to view photos of what the parent plant looks like.

Anyway, I took the pod, extracted seed, put the seed through 3 weeks of damp cold stratification in the fridge.  After that, I threw em’ down on some planting media and watched em grow. About 2 years later, I came up with all sorts of different looking plants, however the one below really caught my attention ‘cuz that hood is friggin’ wide.

The thing with growing Sarracenia from seed, you never know what you’re going to get… and in this case, some flying saucer type UFO lookin’ hood came out. LOL 😉

Sarracenia "Doodle Bug" Open Pollinated[Sarracenia “Doodle Bug” – open pollinated seedling, 2 years old]

Sarracenia "Doodle Bug" Open Pollinated[Sarracenia “Doodle Bug” – open pollinated seedling, 2 years old]

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