Stuffing Envelopes…

Yeah. Tonight I was stuffing envelopes… Literally. I get enough paper-pushing at my desk during the day and then I get home and this is what I was just doing for the past 2 hours…

filing1[Paperwork! AHH!]

But I didn’t mind too much tonight cuz I was taking this…


[Photo – Seed Pod – Sarracenia (rubra ssp. jonseii AF x minor var. okeefenokensis) x “Green Monster”]

Stuffing envelopes like this:

[Stuffing Envelopes!]

And getting something like this:

filesystem1[The Sarracenia Files]

And that’s not even all of my crosses on the year so far – still have a few to go through that aren’t quite ready.  Oh well.  This is the “paperwork” I’d rather be doing though! Love it!!

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