Sarracenia "Starry Night" x 'Hummers Hammerhead'

Another one of the crosses I did a couple years ago, finally putting up some defining pitchers.  Sarracenia “Starry Night” (link is a photo to the parent plant) is a very nicely colored Sarracenia excellens (leucophylla/minor hybrid), and Sarracenia ‘Hummer’s Hammerhead, looks like it has… well… a hammer head! 🙂

These are freshly opened pitchers, as the season progresses I hope that more color shows.  Two different seedling pitchers photographed below. The latter is starting to show some pinkish hues. Hmmm… what to call it? A “Starry Hammerhead?” LOL 😉

Sarracenia "Starry Night" x 'Hummers Hammerhead'

[Photo: Sarracenia “Starry Night” x ‘Hummers Hammerhead’]

Sarracenia "Starry Night" x 'Hummers Hammerhead'

[Photo: Sarracenia “Starry Night” x ‘Hummers Hammerhead’]

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