Hybrid Highlight: S. courtii AF x "Green Monster"

I finally get home at a somewhat decent hour today while there is light and while watering the plants, I noticed one of the seedlings finally throwing up some pitchers that are finally showing a little bit of character. The pod parent was an anthocyanin free courtii (S. purpurea ssp. purpurea x psittacina, both parents antho free)  and the pollen parent was “Green Monster” – which is an anthocyanin free excellens (A minor/leuco cross, not certain which was the pollen/pod parent, although it certainly involved both.)   I did this cross last year and the seeds were harvested on October 17, 2009.  Photo taken today,  August 24, 2010.  Now just gotta wait a few more years to see what the mature pitchers will be like… 😉

Sarracenia courtii AF x "Green Monster"[Photo: Sarracenia courtii, anthocyanin free clone x “Green Monster”]

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